The inaugural Georgia Heritage Responders (GHR) Hands-On Salvage Training workshop was held at the Georgia Archives in Morrow Georgia on November 3, 2023. Approximately 30 colleagues joined together to learn more from Tina Seetoo & Ann Frellsen.

After a morning of learning how to run a successful salvage, participants were assigned groups and given a nicely wet-down set of materials for them to work with. They were tasked with managing a supply budget, ensuring that no negative news was spread about the incident, and that no theft of materials was made-- alongside, of course, ensuring that the items that could be salvaged from the 'flood' were safely organized, inventoried, tracked, and early conservation methods were applied.
The outcomes were mixed, as many struggled to whittle down their items and mitigate the risks to the items in addition to fending off trainers turned thieves, price gouging suppliers, and press.
At the end of the day we gathered again to debrief, and share our greater appreciation for the work that is done in emergencies to protect historic archival material and items.
We will be recapping this event during our annual all-members meeting in May, and hope to see you all there!